by j9robinson | Mar 25, 2018
Let Lynda Barry Help You Find and Tell Your Best Stories!
Try One of Her Awesome Brainstorming Exercises
If you’re starting to brainstorm that perfect topic to craft your dreaded college application essay, I have a new writing technique you might find helpful.
I’m big on tapping mundane topics to inspire essays.
That means writing about everyday or ordinary experiences as opposed to those that try to impress or wow readers (aka college admissions folks).
Mundane topic example: My obsession with karaoke.
Trying-to-impress topic example: The time I played the star role in the school musical.
See the difference?
Which would you rather read about?
So when I discovered the brilliant writer and cartoonist Lynda Barry recently, and saw she also taps the mundane in life to help her students discover their personal stories, I couldn’t wait to share her ideas with those of you on the prowl for college application essay topics. (more…)
by j9robinson | Mar 21, 2017
Ready to write your personal statement essay?
It can be for your Common Application essay, or other university or college prompts, or transfers, or medical or law school, or even scholarship applications.
To start, always read the prompt.
If it asks you to write something fundamental about yourself (such as all seven of the Common App prompts), then they want a personal statement essay from you.
The next step is to start brainstorming. (more…)
by j9robinson | Mar 10, 2017
Common App Prompt 6
In a previous post, I warned about the possible pitfalls of writing about the new Common Application prompt 6.
My main concern was that in writing about one of your passions — a “topic, idea or concept — you will need to make sure to craft a personal essay that is mainly about YOU!
As opposed to one that is only about the “topic, idea or concept” that you pick to write about.
Read about how to write an essay about the new Common Application prompt 6 that is engaging and personal, instead of academic and dull, in this post: Common Application Prompt 6: Be Warned.
Then come back to learn three other hot tips on how to write about this tricky prompt. (more…)