Listen Up
to Write Your
College Application Essay!
Are you the type of student who would like to learn how to write your college application essay by listening to your headphones rather than reading a book?
If so, you might want to check out the first of a two-part podcast, “How to Stand Out in Your College Essays with Janine Robinson,” where I share all my best advice and tips on how to craft a powerful college application essay during an interview with Steve Schwartz, a professional college admissions counselor.
Here’s the link to the podcast with me: How to Stand Out in Your College Essays
Steve, who writes the helpful blog GetIntoCollege, has put together a terrific library of podcasts in his College Admissions Toolbox.
So far, he has dozens of informative podcasts where he interviews top college admissions experts on a variety of key topics.
And they are all FREE!
Insider Advice from Top College Admissions Officers!
The most popular podcasts feature current and former college admissions counselors from some of the most competitive universities and colleges, including Cornell, University of California (Berkeley), University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, and the University of Texas at Austin.
Talk about getting the inside scoop!
There are podcasts about every imaginable college admissions topic, including how to pay for college, score scholarships and nail your interviews, to “How to Get Into An American College from China.”
Check out his Podcast Episode List.

Kwasi Enin
He even has a podcast interview with Kwasi Enin, the wonderboy who got accepted into all 9 ivies, and is currently attending Yale.
Steve just shared the first part of his interview with me on his web site, and will release the second part on Monday, February 8. It will be Episode #44.
So pop on those ear buds or sound-blocking headset, kick back in a cozy chair or your bed and soak up some excellent information about getting into college, and how to write your own college application essay.