by j9robinson | Aug 8, 2016
Most of you landed here in Essay Hell looking for advice on how to write your college application essays. And you are definitely at the right place! This post, however, I’m skipping the essay talk and offering something equally valuable: The Best Insider...
by j9robinson | Jun 22, 2015
A lot of pieces go into crafting a college application essay that will help you stand out from the competition, and quite possibly push you through the door to your dream school: It needs to be engaging, especially at the start. (Here’s how you do that.)...
by j9robinson | Jun 19, 2019
Need Help Starting Your Essays? I have a Jumpstart Webinar THIS Saturday morning, June 22! Only $30, includes my online essay writing course, too! Webinar Details Click Here! Keep Your Summer Chill! Many of you are already out for summer, or at the finishing line....
by j9robinson | May 1, 2018
Find Your Problems and You Will Find Your Best Stories Every year, I write a post for all you students who are ready to start your college application essay. All you need is to find that one magic topic idea. There are many ways to brainstorm ideas for college...
by j9robinson | Apr 23, 2018
What You Can Learn From Michael Brown’s College Application Essay I must have watched the viral video of Michael Brown learning he got into Stanford at least three times in a row. Such a feat and well-deserved accomplishment for what seems like an...
by j9robinson | Mar 25, 2018
Let Lynda Barry Help You Find and Tell Your Best Stories! Try One of Her Awesome Brainstorming Exercises If you’re starting to brainstorm that perfect topic to craft your dreaded college application essay, I have a new writing technique you might find helpful....
by j9robinson | Jun 6, 2017
Everyone Has a Cultural Background Yours Could Make an Awesome College App Essay Topic! I love working with students from all over the world. I’m always surprised, however, how many of these students overlook their rich backgrounds when brainstorming...
by j9robinson | Mar 21, 2017
Ready to write your personal statement essay? It can be for your Common Application essay, or other university or college prompts, or transfers, or medical or law school, or even scholarship applications. To start, always read the prompt. If it asks you to...
by j9robinson | Mar 10, 2017
3 HOT TIPS for Common App Prompt 6 In a previous post, I warned about the possible pitfalls of writing about the new Common Application prompt 6. My main concern was that in writing about one of your passions — a “topic, idea or concept — you...
by j9robinson | Oct 26, 2016
24 More Commonly Asked Questions about College Admissions Essays How far back should I go in tracing my background? When writing about experiences from your past, it’s best to stick to your high school years in general (for Common Application and incoming...